Expanding Freedom and Democracy
Iranian people in Izmir protest the death of Jina Mahsa Amini while in custody of the morality police in Iran. (İdil Toffolo/Alamy)

Freedom House is founded on the core conviction that freedom flourishes in democratic nations where governments are accountable to their people.
极速飞艇历史记录官网查询 Explore Freedom in the World 2023

Read the Report
Since 1973, Freedom House has assessed the condition of political rights and civil liberties around the world. The 2023 edition of Freedom in the World is the 50th in this series of annual comparative reports.

Policy Recommendations
Democracies and private sector actors should work to support core democratic principles and basic human rights at home and around the world.

Test Your Knowledge!
Test your knowledge of some of the key findings from our 2023 report by taking our quiz.

Tracking Democracy and Freedom Around the World

Free Them All: A Political Prisoners Initiative
Free Them All: A Political Prisoners Initiative is a new Freedom House project intended to help free political prisoners and push back against the jailing of activists as a tool of repression . Located around the globe, the stories of these artists, journalists, and activists illustrate the significant pressures and harms that human rights defenders and pro-democracy activists face in reprisal for their work and why they need our support.

Election Watch: Thailand
Thailand is preparing to hold general elections in May 2023. Public discontent with the military-backed government has been growing, however, electoral interference to undermine support for opposition parties or those otherwise not aligned with the military is likely. Freedom House's Election Watch team follows key digital interference issues to watch ahead of election day.
168极速飞艇开奖结果查询-Latest Updates

NEW REPORT: Global Freedom Declines for 17th Consecutive Year, but May Be Approaching a Turning Point
Press release
March 9, 2023

Freedom House Affirms Ukraine’s Sovereignty, Right to Liberty on the One-Year Anniversary of Russia’s Full-Scale Invasion
Press release
February 24, 2023